For the first time in a long time, Christmas has been more about the waiting, the looking, the anticipation this year. Though the to-do list remains, it doesn't weigh on my heart and mind nearly as much as the 8-pound baby boy we celebrate. He continues to clear a path to the manger...
Between the crazy people within the house and the suburban critters without, this life of ours is pretty wild, indeed.
Friday, December 23, 2011
It looks like Christmas
For the first time in a long time, Christmas has been more about the waiting, the looking, the anticipation this year. Though the to-do list remains, it doesn't weigh on my heart and mind nearly as much as the 8-pound baby boy we celebrate. He continues to clear a path to the manger...
Thursday, December 22, 2011
For the kids, by the kids
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Christmas Knitting
Monday, December 19, 2011
Multitude Mondays
- Seeing Ellie really swimming on her own
- Seeing Anna really give her best at public speaking
- fun Christmas parties
- our new Senior Pastor!
- celebrating my Mom's 60th birthday at her surprise party - that was actually a surprise!
- watching the kids play Red Rover from my spot by the fire
- how the big kids so often let the little kids win
- babies that sleep in your arms
- the end of Christmas shopping
- waking up early in a cold, quiet house
- fresh coffee
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Finding the counter
Monday, December 12, 2011
Multitude Monday
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Trying to Breathe
It's happening.
Despite doing my best to keep on top of all that comes with the Christmas season and all that we've turned it into, I'm gasping for air.
I don't yet feel like there's no time (I think I've got another couple weeks before that feeling slides in), but it's more that everything's happening at once. In a family of 5 children, 3 of which are homeschooling, there's a general, everyday sense of keeping those juggling balls in the air, but adding in the extra shopping, the extra cooking, the extra self-imposed craft deadlines (how's that for a joykill?), the parties and events, the decorating, and the determination to do fun things with the kids rather than sidelining them for my whirling-dervish routine, has steadily been working at edging out the whole purpose of why we do this.
And why do we do this? Not the "Jesus is the Reason for the Season"- this, but the crazy-this? Is Jesus the reason I make myself crazy with the to-do list? Not really. He never asked for all this, never suggested that the calendar overflow along with the cup. I think I do it because I like it. I like seeing people, cooking, making things for myself and others, and trying to make this time of year special. But I'm finding that when it's all about me, what I'd like to accomplish and do, then it's no longer about Jesus. And, I have to face it; I'm not a worthy substitute.
So, am I going to stop the world and get off for a while? I don't think so. After all, I really do enjoy a lot of what I'm doing. But I'm going to be more selective, weighing the worth of my investments to their eventual payoff. Part of me wants my kids to say when they are grown, "Christmas, growing up, was really fun and full of excitement", but if that's all they say, then I've essentially humanized the holiday and lost its wonder and power. What I'd love to hear is, "Part of the reason I love Christmas now is because my parents showed me the joy of Jesus". If I'm not careful, what they'll really say is, "My mom made Christmas an exercise in chaos and the need for anger management because of overestimating her abilities and underestimating the need for peace." Who wants that?
I want to see Jesus this Christmas. I want to look expectantly to Christmas morning, not for stuff under the tree, but for the baby who came to save me from all the nonsense I would attach to His birthday, and so much more. I want my kids to see Jesus, too – to find Him more wonderful than the tree and the lights and the gifts. So everything I do to make this time special must point to Him, since He really is the reason for this season. I'm confident He'll fill my lungs with breath and my heart with the love I need for this task.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Multitude Mondays
- an early Christmas gift - a new laptop
- my Care Group (church home group)
- a freshly organized cupboard (finally finding things - can't beat it!)
- both girls gave impromptu speeches without distress (a major grace, this!)
- the Christmas tree is up and decorated!
- the nice men our housing association sent to take care of a precarious dead pine behind our property
- having a really nice mail man
- the ability to do so much shopping online
- a smooth dentist visit for my big girl
- playing games with a neighbor
- having a laugh at Toby's work Christmas party
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
My MItts
Monday, November 28, 2011
Multitude Mondays
- I've had 5 healthy pregnancies, labors and children
- None in our home have chronic illnesses
- None of the kids have ever been to the NICU
- None of us have ever been a serious car accident
- We have never suffered unemployment
- We've never had problems in the buying or selling of a house
- None of us have serious allergies
- We have yet to experience real persecution
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Trying to Savor
Monday, November 21, 2011
Multitude Mondays
- the church Men's Retreat, and all the men that were able to go
- getting together with friends for a movie night
- having kids' friends over for crafting (I tried to stay out of it!)
- lots of new yarn arriving, with the promise of lots of knitting to do!
- enjoying a fire and Red Rover in the yard with the kids
- hanging-on coughs that are starting to lose their grip
- seeing brothers and sisters in the Lord serving each other, in large and small ways
- dozing with a child in a comfy armchair
- listening to another Penderwick story on CD
- key lime pie
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
The Five-Fingers Chores
Multitude Mondays, a day late
- The Sovereign Grace Pastor's Conference and the wonderful preaching we heard there
- seeing old friends and meeting some new ones
- a fearless grandma who kept all 5 kids alive!
- even though the kids have been under the weather, they've all been in surprisingly good spirits
- the ability to conveniently take children to the doctor, when much of the world has no such opportunity
- such a nice doctor, too!
- a very first blood draw for one of the kids was very easy and virtually pain-free
- the ability to listen to a message online even when I can't be at church
- my sweet husband leaving church early and doing fun Sunday-school activities with the kids
- a new, and free, iPhone!
- kids slowly beginning to feel better
- lots of reading time
- lots of knitting time
- lots of down time, at home, where I belong
Sunday, November 13, 2011
The Conference Cowl
Baby set
Gorilla legs
Another hat!
Annette needs a hat, too
Sock Hat
Monday, November 7, 2011
Multitude Mondays
- This verse!
- His good purposes in sickness
- a chance to snuggle with a poorly baby
- getting a new haircut
- a new carpet to replace the flood-damaged one!
- a generous bonus from the Man's work
- my mom coming to visit
- making a roaring fire in the fire pit and spending all afternoon enjoying the warmth
- swing set restoration now under way
- a perfect autumnal afternoon
- my first workout in too long!
- napping babies
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Lying low
Monday, October 31, 2011
Multitude Mondays
- going shopping with a birthday gift card
- sewing with my girls
- listening to and applying a good sermon
- meeting a new couple at church
- hearing God speak through His Word
- surviving a Wegman's trip with 5 children!
- finishing a great, big book - so good
- crazy snow in October??
- the Man, baking some yummy biscotti
- a relaxing visit with friends
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
In Progress

Monday, October 24, 2011
Multitude Mondays
- my Care Group
- all the teenage helpers that came camping, to make things so much fun
- hanging out around the campfire
- napping at home with Dan in my arms
- having dinner cooked for me
- spending time with hilarious babies at church
- pastors around the world, serving their churches so faithfully
- lots of laundry being done
- the family bonfire
- finding Halloween costumes
- having Anna remind us all to bring our needs to God in prayer
- unlimited books from the library!
- family read alouds
- the feeling of taking one's socks and shoes off at the end of a busy day
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Going camping

Monday, October 17, 2011
Multitude Mondays
- the power God exerts through forces of nature
- a very helpful insurance company, who gave us a check for repairs the damages the day it all happened!
- very kind and helpful men with chainsaws
- chatting with dear friends on skype
- getting to know other moms at swim school
- having lunch and games with friends after church
- a clean closet
- cookies in the cupboard
- making plans for Christmas
- being called, loved and kept by God (Jude 1b)