This Christmas has snuck up on me, though I suspect I say that every year. This year, it's really true. I haven't finished my shopping yet, even when I thought I had; even when I would normally be finished (except for the last minute "making") by now. And I definitely would have done more "projects" with the kids than I have so far.
Fortunately, some inspiration came from Sew Mama Sew blog in the form of the kids sewing some felt tree ornaments.
Ellie's creative juices are limited at the moment, but I foresee progress. First, though, she needs to not drop the sewing needle on the floor a thousand times.

I drew a tree in chalk on Noah's and had him outline it. It looks great, but it did involve sitting with him, holding the piece of felt and telling him where exactly to put the needle each time. It was totally worth it.

Anna went for a button theme. I love all the different styles she choose.

Abi wanted to do something with ribbon, so she hand-stitched the ribbons criss-crossed and the button in the center. I like the way she was so independent in her design and execution.

All that was left for me to do was stuff them and add a loop before sewing them up. I even managed to hang them on the tree the evening they were made - uncommonly quick finishing, for me - for the kids to find the next morning. And the best part was seeing how excited they were at being add a little something of their own creating to the Christmas tree. Me not feeling like a totally craft-negligent mother was (a close) second.