What we use:
Abigail (1rst Grade)
Rod & Staff Penmanship
Ordinary Parents' Guide to Teaching Reading for phonics
Apologia Astronomy for science
Simply Charlotte Mason.com's Genesis Through Dueteronomy for Bible and History
Math U See for math

Plus an assortment of books for read alouds (right now it's Charlotte's Web), Scripture Memory, Art, Music, Hymn Study, and probably something I forgot.
I really like the Rod & Staff curriculum for all things. It's very workbook based, which is my thing (and Anna's thing, as it happens). Abi's doing really well with Math U See - not a tear in sight, which is an improvement on last year. She says Science is her favorite, so thumbs up to Apologia! The phonics book is not flashy and exciting, but it does the job of teaching kids to read, and does it well. Bible and History is fine, but I might look for something a bit more gripping next year. (Goodness, already thinking about next year!)
Anna's Pre-K and does the Rod & Staff Pre-K workbooks, as well as listening in on Bible and read alouds. She LOVES it. Granted she says she LOVES anything that she's actually only mildly interested in, but I'm inclined to believe her this time. She's doing really well and has gone from scribbling to good coloring (I'm a stay-in-the-lines freak) and went from no real writing experience to writing almost all numbers and letters. She also does the phonics book, though is on earlier lessons than Abigail. Again, it's doing the trick.

Noah does pretty well while all this is going on. He sits and does some listening and some playing, going back and forth. He has to keep it down, which is a challenge, but he manages. He's learning his letters through flashcards and actually retaining a bit. Amazing. I've decided to go through Before Five in a Row with him, just for fun. Google Five in a Row for more info. If his quieter moments, he plays with my exercise band. Why not? Nothing like a little elastic-inspiried injury to start the morning off right.