Toby's neck collar (from here), for his birthday. Sewed the seam as instructed and it was too tight. Panic. Try to cut the seam to fix, end up cutting into the body. Despair. Gnashing of teeth. Mend pretty well. Sew on buttons and realize it's still pretty snug. Hope he looses inches off the neck before next winter...

I used a beautiful 100% Baby Alpaca from Ewenique Yarns in Bel Air. I love those ladies - they're helpful, kind, and let my kids use the swift. Sweet.

A pillowcase for Zoanna, to bless a soldier. Needed to match stripey sheets. Went for plain with a few spots to cover the stitching. Got to employ the serger. Happiness ensues.

My calculator, after Noah had "played" with it for a few minutes. I'd like to think that this is the great engineering brain at work, but honestly, any monkey can break something. I'll definitely let you know if he manages to fix it, though...