Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Trying to Savor

It's been several late nights and early mornings, now, complete with often getting up in the night to soothe a poorly child. Then came chores this morning, including my least favorite - vacuuming. It got done without incident, and it does always feel good to have a clean floor. Then, I moved some books downstairs to the shelves in my workroom, and it happened - with a spectacular crash, both shelves laden with books, papers, printer, and glass jars full of knitting and sewing tools ripped off the wall. I was there to watch it, to catch some of it, and to be totally rattled by it - it took a large mug of hot, sweet tea to stop my hands shaking. Amazingly, nothing was broken, not even the glass jars! It's been a morning of slowly tidying up and putting things to rights, while still trying to keep the kids out of mischief and doing their work.
Needless to say, by the time lunch was done, I was tired. Desperate for a nap. Dan was still awake, which is not only rare, but it makes naps dangerous, though I was confident that since everyone else was quietly reading, he seemed happy to join them. (Dumb, I know)
I had gotten comfy and warm under my covers when I heard the not-so-little pitter-patter (or thump-clump) of little feet. Then little giggles. Then the bed bumped and wobbled as the littlest Gayner made his way under the covers next to me, whispering little "Hi"s. He was so excited to be in the big bed and under the covers that he kept wiggling and kicking, leaning over to give kisses.

It's not what I'd planned - I was so tired. And I confess, I was thankful when Abigail came in a little later to collect him so that I could get a 15-minute nap. But my baby's not a baby anymore - he's a toddler. These cuddle-and-kisses times won't last forever. And while so very often, I put off the sitting-down-and-resting together times because there always seems to be so much to do, I'm also glad that this time, I made the choice to savor my little boy, rather than turf him out. I pray that I would get better at making the right choice - the choice to savor them.

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