We all had some seriously long hair. With the hot weather upon us and a decreased desire to fight with tangles, we decided it was time for a change.
This was Anna's before it was cut - Abigail's was a similar length, but I forgot to get a photo before I lopped it off...

Anna's "after" shot

Abi's "after" shot

Now, to be fair, these pictures were taken a couple weeks ago - the girls decided early on they wanted "summer hair". I was slower off the mark. I like my long hair. I like my braid. But I wasn't liking the time it takes to dry. And I think, frankly, I wanted a change. So.....


What do you think? I'm rather pleased with it. All in, about 13 inches came off. It's all contained in a nice long ponytail, ready to be donated to Locks of Love. And the best of it is that it didn't cost a cent - my sweet mother-in-law did the cutting. Bless her, she was very nervous about it, but she faced her fear and did a fine job - and she didn't even take revenge for moving her boy so far away. What a treasure!
Whoa - has anyone else ever handed their mother-in-law a pair of scissors and invited them to chop away? I'll have to give her an extra hug today.