Well, my Singer Athena 2000 finally bit the dust. I'd been using a borrowed White sewing machine for a little while (thanks, Mandie!), but after a generous end of year bonus for Toby, he sweetly gifted me with a new machine to call my very own: a Necchi 6110. She is lovely, and I've decided to call her Nell.

I'm really excited - she's powerful but not complicated, got all the features I need (one-step buttonholer, drop-in bobbin, & a mechanical face that won't short out like my electrical one did) without a dizzying array of extras. Sure, one day, I think I'd like to be dizzied by the extras, but this one is just the thing for now. And one day, it'll be a great machine for the girls to work on.
Looking forward to all the exciting new creations we shall embark upon together...