For the uninformed, I have been learning to sew. Here is a sample of some creations to date:

Anna's birthday dress, made from the Girls' Regency Dress pattern from Sense & Sensibility

A diaper bag I made for a friend from Amy Butler's Nappy Bag pattern. I've made a few of these now and have been asked to make some to sell, but unfortunately the pattern is copyrighted, to nix to that idea...

Abigail's Easter dress above and Anna's Easter dress below, both made from the Regency pattern. Hey, if it works, why mess with a good thing?

Okay, the next sample is a bit scary. The dress itself is fine: a nursing dress by Catherine's Choice pattern. It's been a great dress to wear and I've made a second one, green and a bit shorter than the first (mid-calf length). So admire the dress and ignore the large and frightening model...

There are many other projects, either that have not been recorded or are still in the pipeline. I'll do my best to post more as they're made, so watch this space!