Monday, January 21, 2013

Right now...

...I'm grateful for a lovely weekend, including the opportunity to have Caleb dedicated at church and celebrating with family afterwards.
...I'm trying to fully wake up after something of a rough night: Caleb waking me up twice, the first time only an hour after falling asleep? What's up with that?
...I am encouraged by the friend who reminds me that 6 kids can be overwhelming, but God is faithful, so hang in there!
...I appreciate coffee in the pot,my favorite breakfast of yogurt, blueberries & granola, and chicken stock from leftover roast chickens for use later.
...the sounds of the kids getting up, dressed and reading their Bibles are percolating through the house. Didn't realize that Bible reading could be a noisy activity? It is in this house.
...we're getting ready to get back into the swing of school after a week of illness. I'm waiting for protests of shock and horror to ensue.
...I'm frankly a little jealous of all of my English peeps that have snow. Toby built that wonderful storage for all our snow gear - it'd be lovely to put it through its paces!
...I'm working three knitting projects, several sewing repairs and a new book. What to work on first?
...Our family read aloud has got every one's attention, though - Treasures in the Snow by Patricia St John.
...I feel fairly unprepared as I head into a new week, but I am confident of He who is able to do more than we can ask or imagine. He is faithful.


Danielle said...

Enjoy Treasures of the Snow. I love her books. Moody Bible used to dramaticize them and they used to be on the radio. A fun memory from childhood.

reet said...

All day I have kept reminding myself of this all day. It is amazing how a rough week/night/ day (in my case today with #2our child) can be overwhelming and I forget God's faithfulness.