Between the crazy people within the house and the suburban critters without, this life of ours is pretty wild, indeed.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Homeschool Top Tip

Friday, July 23, 2010
Just read
They are like reading the Bible through the mind and heart of great knowers and lovers of God. Don't let long books daunt you. Finishing the book does not matter. Growing by it matters. But finishing is not as hard as you might think.
Suppose you read slowly like I do—about the same speed as you speak—200 words a minute. If you read 15 minutes a day for one year (just 15 minutes, say just before supper, or just before bed), you will read 5,475 minutes in the year. Multiply that by 200 words a minute and you get 1,095,000 words that you would read in a year. Now the average book has about 360 words per page (that's what Carson's book has). So you would have read 360 words into 1,095,000, or 3,041 pages in one year. That's 13 books the size of Carson's book, or reading his in 21 days. All that in 15 minutes a day.
The point is: the words of Jesus will abide in you more deeply and more powerfully if you give yourself to some serious reading of great books that are saturated with Scripture. "
We went horseback riding!

Thursday, July 22, 2010
Embellishing onesies

Or you can swing by a store that sells iron-on embellishments, pick out one that rings your bell, and get to ironing.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Reading "styles"

More stitches!

Sunday, July 18, 2010
Judgment Day?
As before

I gotta tell ya, I'm pretty impressed. I do understand the basics of freezing things and thought I'd left enough of a head in the bottle for expansion, but it appears that I was mistaken.
What makes me laugh, though, is the claim that this type of bottle is supposed to be "indestructible". It figures that it would be me who could destroy the indestructible.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Knitting for Babies

Thursday, July 15, 2010
Little sisters

Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Book Review

It didn't take long - maybe a couple chapters - before it went from reading it for Abi's monitoring to reading it for fun! Yes, it's a kid's book; yes, it's about an orphaned squirrel fulfilling his powerful destiny; yes, it's got talking squirrels, otters, hedgehogs and moles. I don't care. The writing is wonderful, the story is well-developed, and it's just good. Plus, there is continuous reference to prayer to and reverence of "The Heart", which seems symbolic of God, something rarely found in children's literature (at least, that I've seen).
We found the book in the library, plus the audio book - we all enjoyed listening to the narration by Andrew Sachs (Manuel of Fawlty Towers fame!) to the point where we were all listening to it over meals just to hear what happens next! Even Toby enjoyed it and is on to reading Book 2 to the kids - which is high praise from a man who normally can't stand the humanization of animals...
So, for those who are looking for summer reading that's fun and a little different, this is a good way to go. Get the book for bedtime reading, or the audio book for long car rides. If you don't like it, then...I can't help you.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Breakin' da face
Though Toby never had stitches growing up (quite shocking, considering), I have had enough for both of us. Considering how accident-prone I alone seem to be, it was really just a matter of time before someone else in the family experienced the joy of the stitched-up wound.
It's just a shame that it had to be Anna - the one least able to cope with any discomfort.
A rainy Saturday afternoon had the big three kids wrestling on the couch (a game they, for some reason, call "baseball"). Being in another room, I could occasionally hear yells and giggles, peppered with Toby's "Be careful!". Suddenly, there was a thud, a cry and a yell of , "Kell!!!". I run in to find Toby holding Anna's chin together with this declaration: "This is going to need stitches." Now, Anna was doing pretty well until she heard the word "stitches". Then, abject terror filled her eyes, calming her down was a significant effort, and I wanted to punch Toby (poor guy).
In the end, a trip to Patient First (for the Brits, it's a sort of cross between doctor's office and A&E - a bit more efficient than the local hospital) provided her with 3 stitches on the chin and a neat story to share.She's been coping admirably, though she was pretty anxious about people noticing her stitches. Of course, that was short lived, since she started pointing them out to pretty much everyone in a matter of minutes.
And for the record, I have no idea how her fall could have resulted in such a cut in such a spot. I can only assume she fell directly on her chin, in which case she's fortunate she didn't do more damage. Praise God for small (and great) mercies!
Friday, July 9, 2010
Good intentions