I suppose Abigail was serious when she declared that she wanted stitches like Anna's, because she got 'em - in spades!

This past Saturday, she was playing "Doggies" - you know, that game where you crawl around on all fours as fast as you can? No, me neither. Anyway, her hind quarters must have been going too fast for her front paws to keep up with, and she hit the floor.

We thought we'd try Urgent Care this time, since it was closer and we could compare for next time (because there will, of course, be a next time, considering the family in question). She got twice as many stitches as Anna for three times the cost, so for the locals, go to Patient First. The care was fine, but would rather pay $15 than $50.
So, Saturday has been declared Stitches Day in our house, which means:
I can't take my eyes off them for a second
Noah's being locked in a cage this weekend.
ohmy, I can't believe they both have had stitches now....and really, you must lock Noah up. If the stitches count keeps increasing, he is in trouble ;-)
Goodness, I didn't even think of that part!
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