Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Not your average date night

A while back, I was scrolling through the Groupon offers for our area when I came across one for archery. I don't know much about bows and arrows, beyond what I did in my high school gym class more than 15 years ago, but it looked like fun. Toby thought so, too, because when I asked if he'd be interested, he excitedly responded, "Book it!"
The guys at Deer Creek Archery in Churchville were nice and gave us a quick tutorial on how to use the equipment and some basic safety measures, then let us get on with things.
You're shooting at various targets and foam animals in a large, indoor range. Our beginners' bows only reach about 25 yards, but the range is possibly double that size.

We would totally go back again, though going through a Groupon offer is the cheapest way to go, unless you have your own equipment. So, if you're looking for something fun beyond the dinner-and-a-movie option, this might be worth a visit.
And I just want to say for the record: I think it says a lot about a marriage if you can go out for the evening, play with deadly weapons, and still come home smiling.

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