I am so loving this zippered pouch thing. I could make loads, if only I had an unlimited supply of zippers...

Thankfully, I learned my lesson after the last whoops - fabric is all the right way around!
I don't have a particular purpose for all these little sweeties, but it's a great way to use some scrap material. If anyone wants one, let me know!
I definitely want one. How much? And can you send it with someone to the retreat? I will send the money back. (are you going to the retreat with little guy?) My friend just showed me a bag her friend made and said she loves it for putting the purse necessities in and then it is easy to change purses because she just pops the little bag into the new purse. Make sense?
Makes excellent sense! Daniel and I will definitely be in attendance - I'll bring some with me!
Note to self - buy more zippers!
i'd love one :)
I can probably think of things to do with one or two.
Ooo, I'd love one too. I'd definitely pay you! I've been eyeing some on other websites (which I linked to on your Facebook) but would rather get one from you.
All right - it seems I'll have my work cut out for me - after the retreat, though, okay? My husband thinks I'm manic enough as it is...
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