My secret triumph involved using a repurposed pillowcase to line the pockets. Mmmm, flannel....
Between the crazy people within the house and the suburban critters without, this life of ours is pretty wild, indeed.
My secret triumph involved using a repurposed pillowcase to line the pockets. Mmmm, flannel....
While preparing for breakfast and the new day, we notice the sky. Grey. Dull. Forbidding. Not good. We decide to start packing up the tent and load the car, with a view toward launching the canoe before lunch.
Thunder rolls, at first distantly, but growing in persistence. Hmm. Perhaps the canoe-thing won't happen? Concentrate on the tent. Finally, at 8.30am, the tent is empty (though still fully erect), the kids are enjoying a Haley Mills movie in the car, and the heavens open. So much for trying to avoid packing up a wet tent. By 9am, we are wet to the bone and the car reeks of wet dog, but all is packed and everyone's laughing as we head for home.
I'm not sure if we had fun because of our calamities or in spite of them, but it was definitely God's grace to us that we enjoyed our trip, regardless of the circumstances. We're even looking forward to the next trip (with a few more bottles of bug spray).
Made with an assortment of scraps, including some yo-yos I made a while back.
Mustn't forget the sparkly buttons!
If anyone else is in the market for one, let me know - I've got plenty of scraps!
Please, please, PLEASE be sure you're picking the right flowers - I don't want anyone making a lovely cocktail of Deadly Nightshade, or something...
Once you're sure you've found the right thing, you proceed as follows:
Pick 30 or so heads of elderflowers. Snip them from the main stalk. Scrub and slice 2 lemons and add to flowers, 2oz/50g citric acid (can be ordered online), and 2kg sugar in a big bowl you won't need for a few days. Bring 2 1/2 pints of water to boil and pour over the mixture. Stir until the sugar has dissolved, cover with a cloth or plate and leave for five days. Feel free to stir each day, if you're so inclined.
On day 5, Line a colander with a thin cloth (muslin is what we use) and set over a large mixing bowl. Tip the elderflower mix into the colander and let the cordial strain through to the bowl. Discard everything left behind.
You should store this in a sterilized glass bottle, but we're fresh out, so I poured it into a cleaned out plastic juice bottle, and we haven't perished (yet) Let the record show, I did say "sterilized glass bottle", though.
Since most Americans are unfamiliar with cordial, let me tell you right now - you don't drink this stuff straight! Blech. It's pretty strong - I put less than an inch in a tall glass and top it up with cold water. Another popular option is soda water. However you wanna roll...
Once you've made this, it'll change you. You'll turn into a tortured soul that always travels with scissors and a plastic bag, scouring roadsides and shouting, "There! In that gully! There's some there - can we stop?" while travelling 70 mph on the interstate. So don't say I didn't warn you.
And now Noah is getting "man" lessons from "The Man".
If anyone knows of anyway to slow it all down, please let me know.
Briefly, then:
...and a nifty idea for a baby dress: onesie with a skirt!
I know it needs an iron, but the model doesn't seem to care