After 10 days away (almost 4 of which were spent travelling), our Toby is home - with lots of photos! Here are a few...
Traffic in Varanasi

People arriving for one of the clinics
Church (women on right, men on left)

Beautiful children

Crossing the floating bridge

An outdoor evening service

More beauty

A school - seemingly plonked in the middle of nowhere. Also cheerfully repurposed as a clinic. Very kind.

Very organized poop - Cow dung is formed, stacked, dried and used for fuel.

Wouldn't want to be dealing with his fuel, though.

And there you have it. I'm sure Toby'll have more stories to share. I couldn't do it myself - I wouldn't do them justice. Suffice it to say, God is good.
Thanks for sharing these pictures. India has always had a special place in my heart and imagination, thanks to my love of Amy Carmichael, I guess. I'd love to go on a mission trip there one day.
Can't wait to see and hear more. I, too, have a fondness for the Indian people.
Their organized poop system? Not so much.
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