...for some updated photos! Sorry to leave you all hanging for so long - long enough that I needed a refresher course in uploading images!
Such a happy little girl! Even now, what I wouldn't give to pinch those cheeks
Such a happy little girl! Even now, what I wouldn't give to pinch those cheeks
A rather poor shot of Anna's 4th (!) birthday picnic - my, how they've grown! When did that kid turn four??

I promise I'll be more faithful in the pictures and updates, but if I don't post this now, I'm likely to lose it all (all? Yes, all - 2 pictures took 30 min!)
Adorable--the girls and boy, I mean, not the spider or tree frog.
We are kindred spirit in the painfully slow uploading of pix. Notice how sparse they are on my blog? I'm pathetic.
Zo, you are not pathetic, because if you are, then so am I! Besides, I think you're a sweetheart!
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