We all had some seriously long hair. With the hot weather upon us and a decreased desire to fight with tangles, we decided it was time for a change.
This was Anna's before it was cut - Abigail's was a similar length, but I forgot to get a photo before I lopped it off...

Anna's "after" shot

Abi's "after" shot

Now, to be fair, these pictures were taken a couple weeks ago - the girls decided early on they wanted "summer hair". I was slower off the mark. I like my long hair. I like my braid. But I wasn't liking the time it takes to dry. And I think, frankly, I wanted a change. So.....


What do you think? I'm rather pleased with it. All in, about 13 inches came off. It's all contained in a nice long ponytail, ready to be donated to Locks of Love. And the best of it is that it didn't cost a cent - my sweet mother-in-law did the cutting. Bless her, she was very nervous about it, but she faced her fear and did a fine job - and she didn't even take revenge for moving her boy so far away. What a treasure!
Whoa - has anyone else ever handed their mother-in-law a pair of scissors and invited them to chop away? I'll have to give her an extra hug today.
Looks great! When did you do this? If it was like this Sunday then I'm REALLY embarrassed that i didn't notice:/
I love it Kelly!
Don't worry about not noticing - it was yesterday!
I love your hair shoulder-length. It really shows off your dimples and bright eyes:). Love the girls' hair, too. So chipper. Yes, that is the word. Chipper. Bravo to the mum-in-law. Paul's mom cut his once on the train on the way to a wedding. You could tell. So no one EVER gave her scissors thereafter.
Looks great, and can't wait to see it from the front too.
No hug for me, I don't think I'd let my MIL cut my hair...LOL
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