In about 6 weeks, we shall be welcoming our 5th child into the world. So, we've been working at making our home and our lives ready for him. For me, this includes finishing up some of the knitting projects I'd been working on for him.

This sleep sack has been a great pattern to work with. My first attempt at mini-cabling and the three needle bind off. It's nice learning something new. And the wee one will have something bright and cheerful to keep warm in.
We also thought he'd need a bed to sleep in - turns out the bookcase idea isn't so great. So thanks to the Lyttles for the loaner!

Now it's a matter of finishing up the sweater I'm working on for him - just seaming up, really - and deciding on a good knitting project for packing in my hospital bag. I'm thinking something not too pattern-heavy, not too boring and rather forgiving of the occasional contraction-induced dropped stitch. I'm open to suggestions!
Wow - I think all I did was talk during labor, if that even...I certainly was not in any frame of mind for knitting (not that I can if I had wanted to anyways) ;)
More power to you Kelly! Praying for lots of rest in these last few weeks :)
I've posted something today, which I think may be useful, given your post and photos. See, I've been doing some finishing for your little man too.
lots of love to you!
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