So I woke up Friday morning with an unexplainable compulsion: I must make myself this hat. Now. Ewenique Yarns in Bel Air happily obliged me with a couple skeins of a wool blend and mohair blend, and by evening, I had this soft, warm and sweetly apple-y green hat. Love it.

This was all Providential, as I had no particular need for a hat at the moment, aside from the fact that I didn't have one. I had no clue of the approaching snowstorm, nor any premonition of the couple feet we would get within 24 hours of the knitting urge. I tell ya, folks, the kindness of God is a marvellous thing - He even works through obscure pregnancy urges...

Cute hat, but how had you not heard of the storm coming?
No TV, no newspaper, very little radio...Basically, a(n unintended) media blackout.
Hey Kelly, I'm loving that hat! Do you reckon I could do it on straight needles though? I don't know why you lot have to do everything on circular needles : )
Have a great Christmas
Carolyn x
Carolyn, I was a bit confused about the directions at first, but it is done straight and seamed up the back. I used circular needles, but it's not necessary, since I didn't join it up for in the round. The pattern does make suggestion for doing it on dpns as well, if you wanna try.
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