So I was sitting in front of my (Zoanna's) sewing machine the other day with a stack of little fabric circles, wondering what I could make. Started putting them together to sew, and this is what I got:

I'm rather excited by my little star-thing. What do I do with it, though? Currently, it's a pincushion. The girls want me to make a bunch as decorations. Toby says it's "cute".
I'd like to make more, but a girl only needs so many pincushions, ya know? So, any helpful suggestions as to the purpose of my little bit of creativity? All ideas welcome!
You could make a bunch of them, then attach to a heavy piece of twine,take small pieces of scrap material and tie in between stars. Use this to decorate your christmas tree or use as a wall hanging.
You could make them into baby mobiles, hung from some sort of wire. Or, you could use them as present toppers, instead of bows, and somehow attach the TO and FROM on there. Or they could be cute hand-made, "organic" baby/teether toys, minus the button. I'd buy a star mobile from you! =)
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