Okay. So, we've adopted a three-month-on-one-month-off schedule to our homeschool, which means that for the entire month of December, we're free as birds. So, what kind of stuff should we do? We've got plans for the aquarium, can't afford Port Discovery, booked the Baltimore Museum of Art on the calendar. Any other ideas? What about crafts and projects? I'm terribly unmotivated about these sorts of things, so any suggestions would be most appreciated!
Evidences of stir-crazy kicking in

How about a live nativity?
25th Annual Live Nativity Pageant
Sponsored by: Union United Methodist Church
5225 Sweet Air Road (Route 145)
Baldwin, Maryland
Date: Dec 13, 2008
Time: 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
This narrative portrayal of the Christmas story, complete with live animals, will be enacted every fifteen minutes by the children, youth and young adults in front of the fellowship hall. Admission is free.
Union United Methodist Church
e-mail: EMS1391@AOL.COM
p. 410-592-7709
Visit a local train garden. Many fire stations have them, though I don't know which ones. They are mesmerizing to little eyes (and big). They're free usually.
Make sugar cookies. IF you chill the dough and give them cookie cutters, they can cut, bake, and decorate till kingdom come (or till dough runs out, whichever comes first.) Yes, all the handling might make them tough cookies, but to me, it was always worth the free time it gave me. I cheerfully said, "This is your very own batch." (Read: I woudln't for the life of me let me people know how many hand-to-mouth-to-hand trips the dough had made en route to the plate.)
Make a Christmas chain of alternating green and red costruction paper.
Let them make cards. Glitter and glue optional depending whether you want it to be fun for them or you.
Vidoetape them singing Christmas songs. They love to perform and watch it back--over and over and over. Again, a small time investment upfront with huge time dividends later.
PS I've linked you in my blog. Maybe some other moms will help you out.
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