Saturday, November 8, 2008

Some things I'm learning

I'm afraid that this will be a photo-less entry, so if you're all about the visual, check back with us later. For the rest, here are some things I have discovered recently:
Vision Forum and Westminster Bookstore: 2 great places for good, proper reformed-theology books and media. Often cover books you couldn't get in places like Barnes & Noble and even Amazon. Received a Jonathan and Sarah Edwards biography from my Mom from them - thanks Mom! Vision Forum has launched a new media website call for downloads, etc. I haven't looked at it yet, but if it's anything like the rest of Vision Forum, it's bound to be pretty good.
Mark Driscoll: He's the senior pastor at Mars Hill Church in Seattle, and I'm sure many of you have been listening to him for a while, but for the uninformed, he's worth checking out. He's speaks the truth - not always tactfully - but listening to his training sessions on Spiritual Warfare leads me to believe that the man knows his stuff.
Sovereign Grace: I know, big "Duh" coming there, since we've been going to a Sovereign Grace church for more than 18 months. However, our church, formerly known as Chesapeake Community Church, one week ago became Sovereign Grace Church. Changes are afoot, which is exciting, though I am naturally one to be very nervous about change. When God is in the midst of and in charge of the change, though, then it's the best place to be. For more info about Sovereign Grace Ministries, check out
Other things I'm learning:
For a 2 year old boy, puzzles and mega blocks are most fun when thrown on the floor and kicked around.
Eleanor can reach new heights in volume and pitch - I'm worrying about the windows.
I am completely insufficient to parent my children, but God is faithful and His grace is enough.
I can survive without the DVD player for a couple of months! And Samsung take ages to ship parts to fix their broken TVs!
If I find that I have more to do in a day than can actually be done in a day, then I am doing things I wasn't meant to do.
Children are masters as remembering something you told them you would do, allowing you to forget what you said, and then reminding you when it's too late to do anything about it.
Children are also masters at showing you the worst part of yourself, either by drawing it out in your own sinful attitude and behavior or displaying it in their attitude and behavior.
Anna looks like a little Laura Ingalls Wilder in braided pigtails.
Abigail can run almost as fast as me (shameful).
Finally, that God's mercies are new every morning. Okay, that one I kind of already knew, but it's shocking how quickly I forget and wonderful every time I remember.
Anyone else learning anything interesting?


Zoanna said...

Ditto on the Laura Ingalls look. I thought the same thing when I saw Anna in pigtails. Sarah had a great time observing a child with blocks the other day. Though a girl, the child enjoyed destroying her own towers as much as building them. I'll have to check out your recommendations. I also appreciate a less-than-tactful speaker on occasion. Keeps it from skimming past me like the soft breeze of marshmallowy grace. What am I learning? That I've quickly forgotten what fifth and sixth graders are like, that I have high expectations of people of every age, that I love planning more than executing, that my husband can't resist child entrepreneurs (he tipped 2 Amish kids 2.50 on a 3.50 order today cuz they were standing in the rain selling their own fresh produce). SEe you tomorrow, Lord willing!

Zoanna said...

PS I've also learned that I comment on other people's blog WAY more often than they reciprocate. Ahem:)