I've found that, as people learn that I enjoy knitting and sewing, they assume that I can make just about anything! I gotta say, I am just not that gifted! I'm still learning a lot, and can honestly say that I learn something new with each new creation. So, here is some things I've made myself, and some things that have faked folks out...
We bought this runner in Liditz, PA

My handbag/nappy bag - this is one of mine (credit to Amy Butler designs, though)!

Crocheted washclothes - me

Amish quilt - definitely not me!!

Crocheted doily - again, you must be kidding! A treasured gift from my Aunt Catherine, who gave this to me at my wedding shower.

Noah's sweater - the one I never thought I'd finish. I'm pleased at how it came out, though it's huge on him (size 3), and the back is somehow shorter than the front. Hmm, not sure about that...

I also made these for breakfast not too long ago. They were more well received than anything else...;)

I love your handiwork, but am especially grateful for that which goes onto a plate every other Wednesday night!
BTW, I have a hard time reading your blue text against the brown background. I have to highlight each sentence to see it.
That's weird...it's not blue on my screen. Possibly your font?
Coreection: the font is white, but it doesn't show up on my screen. I have to highlight it and the highlighting is blue.
Too funny!
Yay! I can read it now with the light background. I obviously need to corEECT my speeeeling beefore posting commeeents.
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