Then, Noah bumping up to the toddler/big boy bed

I think he'll make out okay...(if he manages to actually stay in it, that is)
Between the crazy people within the house and the suburban critters without, this life of ours is pretty wild, indeed.
Then, Noah bumping up to the toddler/big boy bed
I think he'll make out okay...(if he manages to actually stay in it, that is)
So, 11 years ago Toby and I managed to get through our 'I do's without laughing, the pastor got Toby's name wrong (who's Gary Gayner??), and off we went on our adventure that is marriage...
Fast forward nine years...
My little man:4.45am. I wake up in a puddle, realizing that the little man is coming a little early. When the midwife examines me, she is distracted by the FOOT she has never felt before! So off to the hospital for one of the more relaxed, fun-filled c-sections the hospital has enjoyed. And in the end, here we are, two years later.
Thanks, Tobes, for 11 years of laughter, love, prayer, joy and babies. I love you more now than ever, seeing you not only as husband and friend, but father and teacher, as well. You are God's greatest blessing to me, and I am honored to be your wife. Where ever you go, I will go...
Thanks, Noah, for 2 years of sticky cuddles, slobbery kisses, awful diapers and more bumps and bruises than one could think possible. You are beautiful, and I adore you. Now, please stop climbing everything!!!
By the way, my husband is very clever. He makes switches and button boards for his little boy for his boy's birthday, and can even make it look like a car! Pretty cool, even though he still can't find a steering wheel for it...
There was some excitement/nervousness when George got out the archery stuff, but no need to worry - it was only Kelly who had a turn at target practice. That being said, there's plenty of concern in giving me a bow and arrow. Fortunately, God was good to us and guided my arrows to the target, sparing us all injury.