Like most people on the East Coast, Sunday was clean up day, following the visit we had from Irene. Though things didn't go as planned, we still have much to be thankful for...
- a night and a day in Baltimore on Friday to celebrate our anniversary, complete with great food and an almost complete visit to the Walters. The wing I most wanted to see was closed, but we will just have to visit again!
- my mom being able to look after the kids, even when it seemed like traffic wasn't going to let her through. She made it home safe, too.
- No trees down or any structural damage to the house.
- Though the basement flooded, it wasn't because the sump pump broke, but because it was working so hard that a joint popped. Quickly mended, the pump continues to work, as does all of our electricity.
- Getting the last air dryer rental to dry out carpets.
- Other than wet floors, nothing was damaged. Amazing. The only thing we'll have to throw out was some computer paper that got wet.
- All the little branches in the yard that will make great kindling.
- All the policemen patiently directing traffic with so many traffic lights out.
- The loan of a dehumidifier, and the kind friend that brought it over to us.
- The knowledge that He is sovereign, and He is good. I need not fear anything that ultimately comes under the control of a good and mighty God.