I finished reading Why We Love The Local Church a little while ago, and found it to be such an encouragement. It really got me to thinking, especially following this past weekend's Ladies Retreat, about some of the things I love about my own church...things like:
- A church full of husbands and fathers that take time off work so their wives can go away for a couple days
- Folks who give extra money (anonymously) so that women who are strapped for cash can go
- the fact that scores of women (and a few men) arrive early and stay late to set up, clean up and serve all day long, and tell you they were blessed to do so
- the parents who cheerfully give a Sunday every month to serve other people's kids in children's church
- the single people who cheerfully give a Sunday every month to serve other people's kids in children's church
- the fact that I never once had to carry my very heavy bag from the moment it was packed - there was always someone else offering to hike it around for me
- the knowledge that not only will someone happily grab Eleanor for me when she runs off (again) while my hands are full of coats and craft projects, but no one judges or criticizes me for not having a better handle on her
- the fact that it's not perfect - if it was, it would have no room there for someone as imperfect as I
I have a great church, no doubt about it. I know, however, that I'm not the only one. What do you love about your local church? Share, and thank God for it!